Texts and Reviews, TV


Peter Sager
“Neue Formen des Realismus”
Köln (DuMont)

Since 1969, Klaus Kammerichs has been expanding (…) the alienation of the photo template and its realistic depiction through grainy
monochrome, colored pencil hatching, montage or blurring techniques.

Kammerichs combines the brightness values ​​separated in a certain process (isohelia) into a spatial layering with corresponding shades
of gray. The object – a portrait, a Honda or a faucet – falls into the labyrinth of its elementary particles. If you see these photo
objects from the calculated perspective, mostly axial projection, they appear completely illusionistic. Every change of perspective
dissolves the realistic still photo into an abstractly structured, kinetic energy field.


Karlheinz Nowald
“Klaus Kammerichs, Photoskulpturen”
Katalog des Kunstvereins für die Rheinlande und Westfalen
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

One is in motion in front of the works of Klaus Kammerichs, one changes one’s point of view, one is clearly looking for the right one,
(…) shuttles across the history of art. And becomes (…) itself kinetic.

These are trivial motifs (…) which make no claim to be significant as a motif in their own right.

They appear without pretense. And their very reticence, apparently wanting nothing more than to recognize the subject matter as a daily
occurrence in almost everyone’s life, draws attention to the manner in which it is depicted.

Arthur Ollmann
Director of Museum of Photographic Arts
San Diego

Klaus Kammerichs is a magician.

This masterful photo-sculptor translates the photographic image back into threedimensionality from which it was generated. (…)

This tour-de-force-work gives us a kind of playful bending of photographic reality. Then, as though this miracolous trick is not enough,
he begins to bend time and space so playfully that one starts to think he has pirated a copy of Mrs. Einstein’s cookbook. (…)

These figures refer to the magic of an Escher drawing (…)

As photography grows technologically into video, holography, laser disc, thermography and dozens of other future forms, the menu
of exciting variations will continue to expand. As these are added to the “History of Photography”, Klaus Kammerichs will certainly
occupy an important position.


TV and film reports about Klaus Kammerichs

1978 “Bio’s Bahnhof” 
1986 “Mythos Beethoven”, report by Eva Weissweiler, Kölner Kulturfenster WDR, Cologne 
1987 “Ludwig van Bonn”, a movie by Eva Weissweiler, 45 minutes, WDR Cologne 
1991 “Exhibition Hall”, NHK Tokyo
“Klaus Kammerichs in Tokyo”, CX Super Time, Tokyo 
1992 “Nahurodo the world”, TVh, Doshin News, Sapporo
“Magic Box”, 30 Minuten, STV Dosanko Wide, Tokyo 
1993 “Alte Welt – Neue Welt, die Skulptur in Bad Segeberg”, SAT 1